CASA Volunteers have a requirement of 12 hours of inservice/continuing education hours per year. Each month we are making a huge effort to share new trainings for volunteers that are available in the community. Each training is specific to CASA and the work that we do. Most that we share are on line, but one in October is in person. Below are a few training opportunities for volunteers , staff and board.
The Vanderbilt Center of Excellence for Children in StateCustody is excited to offer a new series on the application ofInfant Mental Health in Safe Baby Court teams and childwelfare. They invite all team members (child welfare, legal, mentalhealth, caregivers, and other community partners) as wediscuss the practical application of infant mental health theoryto common issues encountered in work with families andyoung children. Participants will consider how each topic impacts their workand identify ways to respond from an infant mental healthperspective.
Statewide Complex Trauma and Child Welfare: Participants willhave the opportunity to take a deeper dive into understandinghow complex trauma impacts development, how to approach workwith individuals across settings through a complex trauma-informedlens, and how to support children in the child welfare system withAutism Spectrum Disorder.
Sumner County Juvenile Court is hosting a narcoticstraining on October 13, 2023 and all CASA staff andvolunteers are invited. This training is in person atJuvenile Court. Please attend if you can.
May 31, 2024 at noon
All Volunteers please join us on zoom for this in service. This will be an important time to learn about the new courthouse and where CASA cases will be heard. Court house opens on June 3, 2024 and you will want to hear these updates.
Please make a priority to join this zoom. The link will be sent directly to volunteers closer to the date.